ponedeljek, oktober 19, 2009


They ask me to try and I try

If you require taking screenshots of your desktop screen or any activity for any purpose, the SnapIt Screen Capture 3.9 may just come across as a great tool. It saves the captured images in formats of your choice and the whole process is rather simple to execute.
The images that are captured and saved in the most common JPEG, BMP, TIFF, GIF and PNG formats that are compatible with almost all the image editors, web or other applications. It even has the features like crop, save, automatic copying on clipboard, etc for various related functions.
Try SnapIt  & Snapit
But warning! first read comment to this advertisement!
It may be a virus  Win32/Induc.A virus !!!!!!!!! Do NOT Download it !! If you don´t know what it is !
I scan SnapIt.exe with Kaspersky and ESET online scaner but they don´find nothing  ???
Kaspersky said:
You're clean
Kaspersky Anti-Virus has not detected any viruses at this time

Here is snap from my Blurb Dashboard

četrtek, oktober 08, 2009

Kloniranje parazitoidnih osic: ( Parasitoid Cloning)

Copidosoma floridanum – Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae

Copidosoma je mala osica ( 1-2 mm), ki parazitira jajčeca oz. gosenice sovk (Noctuidae). Samica odloži oplojeno (žensko) in neoplojeno (moško) jajčece v jajčece sovke. Iz jajčeca se po poliembrioniji izleže na stotine ličink. ( iz enega jajčeca se razvije na stotine genetsko identičnih osebkov-klonov) Te ličinke so v primeru osice Copodisaoma floridanum različnih kast. Poleg ličink, iz katerih se kasneje razvijejo odrasli osebki, se razvijejo tudi ličinke-vojaki, ki služijo zaščiti in vzdrževanju predvsem populacije ženskih osebkov.
Ti vojaki z močnimi čeljustmi požirajo vsiljivce – ličinke drugih parazitoidnih vrst, ki bi lahko ogrožale lastno vrsto, kasneje pa tudi zdesetkajo ličinke lastne vrste iz katerih bi se razvili samci. Vendar se vojaki, ko opravijo svojo dolžnost ne zabubijo, iz teh ličink se ne razvijejo odrasli osebki. Vse ličinke-vojaki po tem, ko se reproduktivne ličinke zabubijo, poginejo v suhi, z bubami napolnjeni mumiji gosenice.Iz enega jajčeca, se lahko po kloniranju zarodka izleže do 3000 ličink oz. odraslih osebkov, predvsem samic in le nekaj samcev.

Gosenica sovke glagolke ( Autographa gamma) si je na listu paradižnika izdelala kokon, vendar se v njem ni zabubila temveč se je napihnila in spremenila v mumijo, izpolnjeno z bubami osic Copidosoma sp

Copidosoma sp na ostanku gosenice sovke Glagolke ( Autographa gamma)

Po nekaj dneh, so se iz bub izleglo vse polno  odraslih osic. Večinoma so to osebki ženskega spola, le nekaj je samcev, ki so se razvili iz neoplojenega jajčeca in so ušli čeljustim kaste požrešnih vojakov. Samci se takoj parijo s samicami in nato poginejo. Oplojene samice pa iščejo jajčeca sovk v katera ležejo svoja jajčeca

 Copidosoma floridanum – Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae

Copidosoma  is a small wasp (1-2 mm), which parasitise Noctuidae eggs/ caterpillars respectively.
Female inject  fertilized (female) and unfertilized (male) egg into a Noctuid egg. From these eggs after poliembriony hundreds of larvae hatched. (Poliembriony = from one egg develop hundreds of genetically identical individuals-clones) These larvae are in the case of wasp Copodisaoma floridanum various castes. In addition to the larvae, from which later developed adult specimens, some larvae develop to soldiers, which serving primarily for protection and maintenance of the female specimens. These soldiers with strong jaws swallow intruders - larvae of other parasitoids that could threaten his own species, and later also decimate larvae of its own species from which male develop. However, when soldiers have fulfilled their obligation they could not pupate. All soldiers’ larvae after the reproductive larvae pupate, die in the dry caterpillar’s mummy, stuffed with reproductive wasp pupas.

From one egg, after cloning the embryo, hatched as many as 3000 individuals particularly females and only few males.